Tedious tracking of attendance lists, drawing up reports, calculating grades… If you are a teacher, you definitely know how exhausting and time-consuming it is. Do not forget that it must be done personally for each pupil, not to mention the fact that you have hundreds of students. There is no denying that paperwork doesn’t allow you to focus on teaching, which is the most essential.
Fortunately, there is a wide variety of apps capable of assisting teachers with grading and letting its users save time. Apart from this, these apps are multifunctional. That’s why they can be used as a tool for communication and interacting with students during the lessons. Besides, these apps will be very useful in assessing pupils’ homework.
The Apppearl team has chosen the best grade tracker apps for teachers. Following links below, you will be able to install them from the App Store or Google Play. There is no doubt that they will become great assistants to you.
1. Teacher Class123
The first amazing grade tracker app is Teacher Class123. It will let you get rid of papers and use your device instead.
To begin with, by using this app, you will be able to track the attendance list as well as students’ grades.
Apart from this, the app has many built-in tools that will be helpful for each teacher. For instance, you will have access to the Random Picker, the Alarm, the Timer, the Stopwatch, and so on. Also, with the help of the Sitting Chart, the app will be capable of managing teamwork. In this case, one more feature called the Class goal tracker will help you.
Besides, you will be able to give instant feedback to pupils. By the way, it will be animated. That’s why this form of encouragement will be dear to children’s taste just like their classroom avatars.
One more important feature is that the app will let you communicate with students and even with their parents by sending them messages or making announcements. One more excellent form of communication will be a Class Board where you can share stories and photos.
What is more, the app supports a PC version as well. So you will be able to connect your PC to the class screen to make the data visual for students.
2. ZipGrade
The thing is that the app has a built-in scanner capable of grading tests, quizzes, and assessments. You will only have to choose a special multiple answer sheet forms from the app’s website, download it and print as many copies as you wish. When students complete tasks, you will have to simply scan a sheet with answers.
By the way, you won’t have any difficulties with multiple-choice questions. There will be available a combination of answers of up to 3 letters or up to 31 answers for each question.
What makes the app much more convenient is that it is capable of recording grades of your pupils automatically. By recognizing students’ ID numbers or names written on answer sheets, it will manage Student and Class information.
Also, you will be able to export reports on test results to CSV or PDF formats.
3. Seesaw: The Learning Journal
Seesaw: The Learning Journal will be a great app for encouraging your students for better work.
With the app’s endless capabilities the students will be interested greatly in completing tasks given by you. By saying this, we mean various tools (attaching photos, videos, links; drawing, adding notes, etc.) to create, capture, and reflect. These features will make a student even more creative.
As for benefits for you, the app will let you save time while grading tasks. So you will have all the students’ tasks at your fingertips. By approving or not approving a student’s work digitally, you will avoid collecting endless papers.
Additionally, with this app, you will have access to fantastic ideas and tricks of other teachers. There is no doubt that it will also save your time in preparing for the lesson.
What is more, you will be able to share your tips for students to make the process of studying more enthralling. Files you share will positively affect pupils’ academic achievements.
4. Teacher’s Gradebook – Additio
The next app that will turn your gadget into a teacher’s grade book is called Additio.
First of all, this very app will let you track students’ attendance as well as grades with formula, assessing various skills of pupils. Due to the app’s user interface, it will be very easy to do that. At the same time, the trackers are very multifunctional. You will like dozens of their capabilities for sure. It can be a calculation of averages, round off grades, and more than 150 other points.
If we consider a teacher’s connection with students and their parents, this app will also suit perfectly.
If you need more advantages, here you are. The app supports working on several devices. The PC version will be available for the app’s users as well.
Apart from this, you will be able to export data and reports to Excel and PDF.
One more distinguishing feature is that the apps capable of working offline.
What you will also like in the app is the Timetable and Teacher’s Plan that will be easy to customize and edit.
5. Google Classroom
First of all, the app will let you keep track of pupils’ grades and their attendance not using grade books at all. The app will become a perfect tool to manage information about classes and students.
Also, it will be so appropriate in the connection between a teacher and students. First of all, you will be able to receive, review, and mark assignments in one place instantly. Then, you can share your own assignments as well. This feature will be perfect when you want your pupils to have all the class materials at their fingertips.
Moreover, the app will become your assistant in making announcements or starting discussions with a class.
Do you want your pupils’ handwriting to become much more elegant and neat? If you give an affirmative answer, we strongly recommend you to read our post about the best calligraphy apps for Android & iOS.
6. TeacherKit – Class manager
One more app that must be listed here is called TeacherKit – Class manager.
To begin with, it will be available to keep track of attendance, grades, and even the behavior of each student. Taking all this data into account, the app will draw up reports with these three important points on the whole class. What is more, all the information will be shown graphically. So if you like detailed statistics, this very app is exactly what you’ve been searching for.
The app will also let teachers send messages directly to pupils or even their parents to always keep them informed.
7. Teacher Aide Pro
One more fantastic grade tracker app is called Teacher Aide Pro. It will also let teachers get rid of paperwork.
Like the previous apps, this one will become your assistant in monitoring students’ attendance and grades. The information will be very visual and can be shown in the form of progress reports. Nevertheless, for your convenience, the app has the Risk Students feature that will identify pupils with low grades.
What you will also like here is that the attendance list can be managed in accordance with a Seating chart. Besides, it will be much simpler for you to grade students in the app.
Also, it seems great that the app is capable of tracking up to 6 Terms and 20 classes.
8. Socrative Teacher
One more app that will become an assistant in grading students is called Socrative Teacher.
By using the app, you will be able to identify students’ knowledge with the help of various activities: quizzes, quick questions, exit tickets, and even space races. You will only have to create a task, that will be available to do in the app directly. Moreover, due to the friendly user interface, you won’t cope with any problems.
When students complete tasks, you will have the report with results and grades at your fingertips. It will let you grade pupils and visualize class’ understanding instantly.
In addition, you will be able to share quizzes with other teachers who use this excellent app as well.
9. Teacher Gradebook FREE
Teacher Gradebook FREE is an app that will be available only for Android device users. And we can’t help adding it to the list of grade tracker apps.
The app will provide you with a detailed roster that will contain plenty of information. It will be information about students’ attendance, final grade calculation, teamwork assessment, and of course, grades itself. By the way, the app supports various types of grades: Numeric, Counter, Text, Icon, and so on. It remains to choose types that are the most convenient for you.
One more priceless feature the app has is a fully customizable teacher notebook. It will also simplify your working process a lot.
What is more, the app is capable of managing terms as well as trimesters. That’s really great.
Apart from this, the app is capable of drawing up reports on grades and attendance that are very informative. They can be exported to PDF and CSV.
The things that make the app’s use convenient is the synchronization with multiple devices and a version adapted for tablets. Also, the app supports 14 languages. That’s one of the reasons why it is deeply appreciated worldwide.
10. Showbie
Before we start, we want you to pay the attention that recording and tracking grades will be available only for Pro users. However, the Pro version is really worth being purchased.
Well, it will be available to grade students in numeric scores or letter grades. Apart from this, it will be available to give feedback to a student.
As for other features, the app’s capabilities are endless. It will be available to have all pupils’ work at one place and annotate them by drawings, text notes, and even record voice notes.
Apart from this, you will be able to create your students’ portfolios and organize the materials with folders and due to dates.
Also, the app will let you always stay in touch with pupils with class discussions where you will also feel the freedom of action. At the same time, you will be able to start a chat with a certain student or even with parents.
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