11 Best EMF Detector Apps for Android & iOS

Dozens of things around us (gadgets, household appliances, some means of transport, etc.) are the sources of an electromagnetic field. Though it is invisible to the human eye, it influences all living organisms. In most cases, it has no harm but when the level is elevated, EMF can cause some afflictive symptoms and even diseases. That’s why controlling the level of EMF is essential.

Don’t you know that your phone is capable of detecting EMF? Moreover, in this matter, it is as powerful as advanced equipment. All you need to do is to install one of the EMF detector apps.

Both Google Play and the App Store contain a big choice of these tools. However, we have chosen only the best EMF detector apps. You are welcome to choose the application you like the most and install it on your device. As a result, you will stay aware of EMF whenever and wherever you are.

1. EMF Detector Magnetic Field (EMF Meter Finder)

EMF Detector Magnetic FieldThe first app to be reviewed is called EMF Detector Magnetic Field. With the help of its features, every Android device user will be able to detect EMF with no effort.

First of all, the app will provide you with several ways to detect electromagnetic fields. Thus, you will be able to search with magnetic, camera, graph, sensor. In all cases, the app will show you the value of EMF (in the µT form), detecting all the emitting devices and things. Apart from this, finding hidden EMF sources will also be possible with this tool. In a word, you can’t imagine how accurate the result will be.

EMF Detector Magnetic Field


2. Electromagnetic Detector EMF

Electromagnetic Detector EMFAs for the apps from the App Store, we can’t help mentioning the one called Electromagnetic Detector EMF. It will be extremely efficient in this matter.

The combination of your phone’s sensor and this very tool will be enough to detect the EMF near you. Thus, the app will measure it automatically and warn you with a beep when the level of EMF will be too high. As a result, it won’t cause any health problems.

One more cool feature is that all the cases of a high radiation level will be stored in the app. You will be able to see the exact time and date to detect places of high EMF levels. By the way, the app can store up to 100 such records. In case you want to import them, sending measurements by email will be possible.

As for measurements themselves, they will be calculated in microteslas (µT). If you need a more detailed analysis of the EMF level in a particular place, you will have three axes (x,y,z) at your fingertips. They give a quite comprehensive report on EMF force.

Talking about minor disadvantages, the app’s user interface and the whole design need some elaborations. It may hinder you from smooth use.

Electromagnetic Detector EMF


3. Ultimate EMF Detector RealData

Ultimate EMF Detector RealDataThe next must-have tool to be reviewed is called Ultimate EMF Detector RealData. In this case, it can be installed from Google Play.

With the help of your phone’s built-in magnetic sensor, it will detect all the sources of EMF. As a result, you will have an opportunity to view the measurements in microtesla. For more details, the app will provide you with calculations on the x, y, and z axes.

To put it shortly, the app has a minimal kit of the features required for measuring EMF. The same can be said about its user interface. Just look at the screenshot below to make sure of it.

Ultimate EMF Detector RealData


4. EMF Meter Free Utility for iPod, iPhone

EMF Meter Free UtilityHere is one more app capable of turning your phone into an Emf meter. It is called EMF Meter Free Utility for iPod and iPhone.

It will take you several seconds to measure the level of EMF around you. With the help of built-in compass hardware, the app will let you view the raw data directly on your screen. If you want to pause the readings, there will be a special button for you (Clock). It will be especially useful while conducting the experiments.

Again, the calculations will be fulfilled in microteslas. What about a more comprehensive analysis? There will be x, y, z-axis for this. Due to them, the measurements will be as accurate as possible.

Apart from this, the app is powerful enough to record all studies in the “Readings Log” section. Moreover, each record will be conducted by time, date, and location of measurement.

EMF Meter Free Utility


5. EMF Detector – EMF Meter

If you are still not satisfied with the tools for Android, here is one more excellent alternative for you. What are its advantages?

Well, with the EMF Detector – EMF Meter, you will be able to detect the EMF within several taps. Just scan the objects around you to find out how electrically charged they are.

Talking about the process, you will be able to view the data received on your screen. What is more, the app’s system will update the graphs in real-time.

Plus, if you prefer to monitor the information with a speedometer, the app will suit you. There are quite many users that enjoy this very way of displaying information.

EMF Detector - EMF Meter


6.  EMF Radiation Detector

EMF Radiation DetectorWhat about installing a minimalistic app for iOS? If your attitude is positive, the EMF Radiation Detector tool is what you need.

Right after you open the app, it will start to scan the area around you. You will have access to a speedometer showing you the level of EMF. Apart from this, the app will generate the precise amount of EMF measured in microtesla.

Though the app is the simplest one, it has one distinguishing feature. Thus, the app will show you if the amount of EMF safe for you or not. There are three stages of risk analyzed – low, medium, and high.

EMF Radiation Detector


We guess it will be a nice idea for you to install the best infrared camera apps. It is out of the question that these tools suit perfectly for night vision.

7. EMF detector and Emf meter

EMF detector and Emf meterGoing back to the apps from Google Play, we also recommend you to try the tool called EMF detector and Emf meter.

As usual, the app will work in collaboration with your phone’s sensor. Together they will detect and measure EMF level. You will be able to view the amount in microtesla. For more precise results, the app will transform the measurements into the system of x, y, and z axes.

In addition, there will be two additional graphs, which makes the results more visible.

EMF detector and Emf meter


8. EMF Detector

EMF DetectorThe next application that will be so suitable for you is called EMF Detector. As it is clear from its name, it does its work well in detecting EMF activity.

Like the previous apps, this one will show you the most accurate data on the EMF level around you. The data will be shown graphically in three ways. At the same time, to view the results more accurately, you can study the measurements on EMF given in microtesla. What is more, every user will also have access to the x, y, and z axes. That’s why the app will suit those who prefer a comprehensive approach.

EMF Detector


9. True EMF Detector – EMF Meter

True EMF Detector - EMF MeterThe next tool to give an assessment to an area around you is True EMF Detector – EMF Meter. After you install the app, it will take you very little time to analyze the EMF level.

First of all, you will need to point your phone at a suspected device. In a moment, it will measure the EMF level in microtesla and show the result. Plus, it will be completed by measurements in the system of x, y, and z axes.

Apart from this, you can view the measurements in real-time with the help of a built-in speedometer. As this tool will detect the potential EMF, it will tell you about the potential threat to your health.

True EMF Detector - EMF Meter


10. Smart EMF Detector

Smart EMF DetectorIn case you prefer an unusual user interface, we highly recommend you install this very tool. Let’s talk about it in detail.

With the help of Smart EMF Detector, you will have an opportunity to measure the EMF level around you. The main thing is that in this case, it will show you the Magnetic Field Density (B) in microTesla (uT), Gauss (G), and milliGauss (mG). In addition, the tool is also capable of measuring Measure Magnetic Field Strength (H) in Ampere per meter (A/m) or Oersted (Oe). That’s what makes the app so special.

When it is high time for detecting EMF, pausing and zooming will be available for you. When the measurements will be fulfilled, you will have the generated charts at your fingertips. Thus, there will be the Line Chart and Bar Chart. Also, it will show you the Min, Max, and XYZ Axis Values. Just choose the variant you like the most and study it. This feature is so convenient, isn’t it?

Besides, you will hear the sound alert when the EMF level will be too high. Keep in mind that not every app includes this feature.

As we’ve already said above, this very app has some unique types of charts. Well, for those who love electronic gadgets, the developers created a cool Retro Theme. As a result, the measurements can be viewed in an creative form. One more nice thing about customization is that the app includes two classic color themes (light and dark).

Finally, one more useful feature is the FAQ section. In it, every user can get familiar with some helpful information not only about the app but also about EMF-related themes.

Smart EMF Detector


11. Free EMF Detector, EMF Meter – ElectroSmart

Free EMF Detector, EMF Meter The last but not least tool to detect EMF is called Free EMF Detector, EMF Meter. We can’t help including it on this list.

As usual, the app will measure the EMF activity around you. After that, it will assess the area on a 100-point scale. Also, a user will have a chance to view the current risk level, if it is low, moderate, or high.

Besides, the app works perfectly in background mode when it is closed. Thus, during the day, it will measure high EMF levels. If you wish, you can enable the notifications to stay aware of risk situations.

All the daily cases will be recorded in the app-in log. As usual, the statistics will be transformed into detailed graphs.

As for more advantages, this very tool will allow you to identify sources producing the EMF. It will be done by showing you the names of devices used for Bluetooth, Wi-Fi router, or your TV.

Lastly, the app is also considered to be educational. It has a collection of simple advice to decrease the level of EMF emitted by the devices around us.

Free EMF Detector, EMF Meter


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