11 Best Instagram Hashtag Apps for Android & iOS 2024

Instagram is a tremendous power today.  Started back in 2011 as a photo posting app it now has turned to one of the world’s digital giants, a dense social network where some users have all their life concentrated (no jokes).

Today, even for getting a certain position in a company or getting a visa you seriously need to present your Instagram page, since it a core reflection of people’s everyday lives.

But the competition is immense in 2024. In order to gain popularity, you need to use the methods of promotion right and have a content plan 3 months ahead. Moreover, you need to correctly use the hashtags so other users could see your posts related to a discussed topic and acquire the interest to your page.

Moreover, old good hashtagging is definitely goes underrated today. However, it is still a more effective way to promote your page than other dubious paid “promotion” that Instagram suggests to each user, in fact just promoting your posts among your current followers.

There is just one problem – writing hashtags under the each post of yours can be extremely exhausting and boring. But why do that, when there are apps which can execute this job for you? Don’t waste any more time of hashtags, concentrate on your blog’s promotion and these guys on our list will take care of the rest.

1. Hashtag Expert for IG

Can you imagine how much money turns over inside this social network? If it used to be only the harmless platform to share pics with your closes friends, now it is a global network for promotion and selling. Now if your business doesn’t have an Instagram account, it is most likely not going to have that much success.

So this is a cool app to help you with placing the right hashtags to your Instagram posts. The base of the app counts millions of them and there is definitely the right one (not just one) for you. You can browse for popular hashtags in 35 different categories, such as memes, beauty, traveling and more).

Hashtag Expert for IG is constantly upgraded with the new hashtags, evolving together with the Instagram trends. What is more, the app is super easy in usage.

The main feature of the app is that it truly strives to provide you the right hashtags which will work, not just a set of all the words that were stored in the base. It will give you those, which are applicable to your audience and content-relevant.


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2. Tagify

Nowadays, Instagram bloggers seem to outshine the “traditional” celebrities from show-business. The most prominent have hundreds of millions of followers, scary power of influence and… lots of money. Have you heard that ordering one post from famous Insta-girl Kylie Jenner costs $1 million? Not bad for a single posted pic.

Tagify will help you on your way to Instagram popularity. It is actually one of the most popular apps on the market. Just type your inquiry into the search bar and the app will generate more than 30 hashtags related to the topic. This is a great way to increase the reach of your posts.

Wedding hashtags, sports hashtags, movie hashtags, food, lifestyle – you can find all those and even more hashtags for the topics for your blog in Tagify.


3. Hashtags AI

An advertisement and promotion on Instagram is a whole separate topic. Now it seems to become the main purpose of these social networks. Giveaways, gambling in comments, targeted ads – all of those definitions mainly occurred because of Instagram. And of course, none of those mentioned above would be possible without hashtags.

This app is another popular hashtag generator that can do all the writing hassle for you and present you with the most matching of them. The distinctive feature of it is when you enter the app, you can see all the categories which you can choose hashtags from.

So instead of even searching, simply open a related category and see which hashtags it has to offer. And since it does have a lot to offer you will find the most effective hashtags for your posts.

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4. Hashtag Inspector

Now we got to a point when the promotion on Instagram has become a separate business to its own. Thousands of tutorials on “how to become popular on Instagram”, “how to gain a million followers in a year” and so on, just flooded the market.

This app is called Hashtag Inspector and it will help you to save your budget for Insta promotion by helping you to build an effective hashtag strategy. The app picks the hashtags which are more popular in the category of your content group.

Moreover, the app will find all the hashtags, dealing with the main one (for example, you want to put a hashtag #travel – the app will generate such hashtags as #travelwest, #traveltheworld, #traveltogether and many, many more). Comparing to other apps, this software does provide a huge variety of them.


5. Tagomatic

The main reason why so many people are striving to get to that Insta-popularity and ready to do anything to achieve their goal is that it is a good source of income. As a popular joke says, schoolers are dreaming today of not becoming astronauts or scientists, but bloggers.

This is a more simple, but still powerful app for iOS for hashtags generating. It has a nice interface, though. When you open the app, it already suggests the universal and the most popular hashtags on the main page, but you can go further and search the specific ones that you need.

Then the app will show you all the most popular hashtags on your topic, according to statistics. Just highlight the ones you need and copy them to your Instagram post.


6. Leetags

This app differs from the previous ones and it is actually has a huge success on the market. The reason for that is that all those hashtags apps are poorly organized in most of the cases, but this one keeps all its content structured and easy to browse.

Moreover, it provides a minimalistic user-friendly interface. No extra decorative elements or overwhelmingly bright colors distract you from focusing on finding the right hashtags for your post. The hashtags in Leetags are sorted into categories according to the secret algorithm that claims to make the usage of the more effective.

Use Leetags and never have a headache when choosing the best hashtags for Instagram.


7. Tag Me

There is a rule of Instagram that allows you to add not more than 30 hashtags at a time. So you should take this opportunity wisely and see which ones are trending right now so more people could see your posts.

The first distinctive feature of this app is that it has a very nice interface. It is visible that developers put an effort into it. In the main menu, you can find various categories and choose your hashtags from there. Or, as usual, you can type the topic of your post into the search bar and the app will give you the best results.

Exploring categories first is beneficial in case you feel a lack of inspiration. You can study, which hashtags does this topic has to offer in general and pick up ones that resonate with the overall theme of your blog.


8. Statstory Live Hashtags & Tags

You see that in this list we have provided you with the most diverse Instagram hashtag apps as much as they can be. Obviously, all those work according to the same principle – that’s where all that similarity comes from.

Statstory Live Hashtags & Tags is one of the great apps on the market for generating Instagram hashtags and it has gained a certain reputation.

In the app, you may use up to 30 different hashtags for any topic of your photo, with lots of categories.

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9. Photo Tags

Photo Tags is not just another hashtag creating an app, it can play the role of your Instagram manager. Of course, here you can search and insert hashtags, but also, it has a function allowing you to make your content plan.

Another cool feature of Photo Tags is that here you don’t even have to look for hashtags manually.

Just upload a photo that you are planning to post, then the software automatically analyzes it and will suggest hashtags related to the subject on the picture.

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10. Likes With Tags

Want to have a simple app for generating Instagram hashtags quickly? Then Likes With Tags is your choice. It is a humble, yet effective app that also doesn’t occupy much space in your phone’s memory.

Considering other aspects, the app is super simple. Even its interface doesn’t include any specific features. What you do here is just type a topic that you need in a search bar and then the app generates the results and the text full of hashtags.

However, there is one additional feature – you can browse among the most popular hashtags and maybe find ones that match the theme of your next post.

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11. Hashtags for IG

Instagram hashtags have always been known for periodically gaining and losing their promotional power. Around a year ago they were claimed to be ineffective, lowering the reach of posts.

This app includes hashtags not only for Instagram but for all social media in general. But, still, hashtags are more significant for Instagram than for any other social network. It includes useful and nice hashtags on popular topics and numerous categories helping you to find hashtag ideas.

Once again, here you can choose whether you want to browse through categories with the more general hashtags, which guarantee a higher reach, or type the topic manually into the search bar, but thus customize your post, making it more specific and authentic.

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