If you want to secure your pictures and preserve copyright, then we advise you to download iWatermark developed by Plum Amazing.
The application enables users to quickly create and edit unlimited number of watermarks. Moreover, users can generate both text and graphic watermarks.
One of the best advantages of this tool, it is extremely lightweight. Thus, you will install it just in a few seconds.
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Once you have launched the app, you can get straight to the subject. On the homepage, you will find the following list of options:
- Select Photo (s)
- Take Photo
- Watermark Photo
- Create Text Watermark
- Create Graphic Watermark
When you have selected the preferred one, you can start creating a watermark. Due to this tool, you can apply a great variety of editing features. After adding the text, you can adjust the size, font, opacity, angle, color or position.
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There is nothing difficult in this tool, so even inexperienced users will quickly manage it. For example, if you want to rotate your watermark, you should just touch it with two fingers at once.
Moving on, iWatermark does not contain any ads or in-app purchases, which is certainly a rare advantage for these kinds of apps.
All in all, iWatermark is full of useful functions. No doubt, this is an essential tool for artists, designers, architects, or photographers.
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Written by Daria 03.21.2022