8 Best Polaroid frame apps for Android & iOS

Best Polaroid frame apps

Vintage-style photo processing is very popular. The polaroid frame is a vivid example of this style. Thanks to this effect you can create a digital version of the “Old” photo. This list contains the best polaroid frame apps, which will allow you to achieve this effect. 1. YoloBook YoloBook is …

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11 Best universal remote apps for Android & iOS

Everyone at least once in their lives had a situation when the remote controller from the TV suddenly stopped working and even the change of batteries couldn’t fix the situation. In previous decades, our parents (and grandparents) would have to go to a large tech fair and try to find …

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Runtastic Sleep Better app review

In today’s world, the rates of life are very high. Multitasking and stress at work, caring for the family, political and economic situation in the country, ecology. All those factors are destroyed our health. We try to do all and there is no time to sleep enough. As a result, …

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9 Best character creator apps for Android & iOS


All humans are more or less creative creatures. Making something out of nothing is in our nature – that’s how we have actually evolved through history. Nowadays, we possess unlimited imagination and express in all the possible ways in different cultures and subcultures. Even though it may seem that all …

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11 Best Hidden Voice Recorder Apps for Android & iOS

Remember, how we were watching spy movies admiring all these technologies these guys were applying? Were you wishing you had a similar one to yourself? Well, being completely honest, it is not always fun when you dee need some kind of recording device, because it means someone’s treating your unfairly. …

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11 Best payday loan apps for Android & iOS

According to the statistics, every second person in developed countries has or had a loan in their life. There are countries which are more tolerant about taking loans, some of them are less tolerant towards the debts. For example, in the US loans are a common issue. Moreover, the loan …

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9 Best cut & paste photo apps for Android & iOS

Are you a person who likes to take photos? Or you like more to edit them? Or maybe both? Well, it doesn’t matter if you are a professional photographer or it is just your hobby, you have probably faced this problem at least once in your life – you are …

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11 Best floor plan apps for Android & iOS


Planning the construction of the house is always not easy. It is not enough to build a beautiful building from the outside, but also you need to make it look cozy from the inside. Every detail counts, including windows, doors, ceilings, walls… By the way, what about floors? It seems …

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9 Best smoke effect apps for Android & iOS


Do you like pictures that look like they are a poster for a new action movie? Have you ever wondered which effects are added to the photos in order to make them look so impressive and mysterious? Of course, photo editing is a complicated thing including a lot of aspects …

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9 Best deep breathing apps for Android & iOS

Is there still anybody out there who’s never heard of all the benefits that meditation can bring to us? Nowadays it is rather common knowledge that meditating is not some kind of a magical process, but rather a breathing exercise, helping us to fight our emotional and physical struggles. The …

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